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Getting Started

General Instructions for Any LMS

Free Math is easy to set up, all you need is a standard LMS that can collect files.

Note for Google Classroom users, please see the video below for specific info on our direct Google Classroom integration.
  1. Create an assignment in your LMS, make sure it is configured to allow students to submit files as assignment submissions.
    • Students can be given a list of problems from your textbook or a worksheet like a PDF or Word document. Students can start with a blank Free Math document, copying down and working through problems just as if they were completing work in paper notebooks.
    • If you are interested in authoring your own assignment, you can optionally use the student assignment editor to create a list of problems and directions for your students. From there you can share the file with your students through your LMS, which they can then use as a template for their own assignment files.
  2. Students complete digital work, save it as a file and submit it through your LMS.
  3. You download the files in bulk from your LMS as a zip file (LMS specifc instructions linked below).
  4. Load the zip file into Free Math for grading, the app will show you where students struggled the most. Anything you don’t have time to grade gets completion points.
    • There is no need to prepare anything ahead of grading; rather than rely on a rigid answer key, all of the unique answers provided by students will be shown in groups which can be graded in bulk.
    • It is useful to have an answer key that you can reference while grading, but you do not need to type this into Free Math. This flexible system accommodates the fact that several of the groups may be different formats of the correct answer, and others may deserve partial credit.
    • You simply need to provide a score to each unique final answer and give specific feedback to students who need it.
  5. Save the grading feedback, which generates a zip file filled with individual graded documents for each student.
  6. Upload the zip file full of documents into your LMS, it will provide the individual graded documents to each student.
  7. Record the overall grades into your grade book. We are still working on direct integration with LMS gradebooks, so for now you need to copy the scores over yourself manually while viewing them in the grading experience.

Teacher Introduction Video

Student Introduction Video

Using the New Google Classroom Integration

Instructions for Specific LMS Tools

LMS products come with features for collecting documents from students and managing them in bulk. These features are often used for grading files like papers or presentations. These types of files must be examined individually for grading. One great advantage of Free Math is that all documents are graded together, with optimized actions for grading similar work.

Here are some links to instructions for managing student files in specific LMS products. As Free Math natively opens and saves zip files, you can often avoid steps related to unzipping downloaded documents and manually creating a new zip of the graded documents when re-uploading. Keep this in mind as you follow these instructions.

Moodle ( Download   Upload )
Google Classroom
Canvas ( Download   Upload )

General Information on zip files

Privacy Policy

Free Math is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Free Math is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Free Math. If not, see <>.